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Ear, Nose and Throat specialists or phoneticists can prescribe a voice therapy for voice problems. The health insurance will pay for the treatment.

A prescription is possible in the following cases:

  • Thickening of the vocal cords (nodes, oedema, polyps etc.)
  • Functional dysphonia voice problems based on wrong functioning, wrong breathing, inadequate technique, over straining etc.)
  • Dysodia (disorder of the singing voice among professional singers)
  • Strain dysphonia (voice problems from too much strain)
  • Before and after treatment associated with vocal cord surgery
  • Voice problems after surgery or intubation
  • Vocal cord paralysis
  • Psychologically caused voice and speech problems
  • Voice problems caused by speech anxiety or excessive stage fright

...it is above all about learning to breathe naturally, not only about controlling the respiratory muscles but first to awaken them, to experience them, to strengthen and re-establish the natural interaction between them and the vocal cords.

Clara Schlaffhorst

"Atmung und Stimme"

Therapy can include, among other things:

  • Analysis of causes
  • Voice hygiene
  • Development of physiologically sensible breath and voice patterns
  • Adaptation and transfer of these patterns to everyday life and the stage situation